
I Am Quixote

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El Quixote Festival Events

From The Window: Larry Bellorin – Carolina Theatre of Durham


From The Window: Larry Bellorín

In collaboration with NC Latin American Film Festival and Artist Studio Project

 Saturday, October 17 at 5:00pm

Enjoy live music when Larry Bellorin (harp/guitar/vox) and Agustin Gonzalez perform live From The Window of the Carolina Theatre of Durham’s Connie Moses Ballroom on Saturday, October 17 during the venue’s takeout concessions hours and prior to the evening screening of “Labyrinth.” The artist will perform above and away from the concessions pick-up area and any guests.

No tickets will be sold or admission charged to this performance. The artist will perform while guests arrive at the venue to pick up concessions orders, and for anyone else walking through downtown Durham during Downtown Durham Inc’s The Streetery hours (5-9:30 p.m.). This live performance starts at 5 p.m.

About The Artist

Larry Bellorín was born in Punta de Mata in the state of Monagas, Venezuela, on October 10, 1983. He is a singer and professional musician. He is the former President of the Musical Foundation “Casa Vieja.” His greatest wish is that the music of his country be respected, loved and known.

In his foundation, Larry taught string instruments and singing techniques to children, youth and adults in his community and surroundings. His latest project, “Color de Mí Folklore” (The Color of My Folklore) is a collaboration with Artist Studio Project to bring to the forefront the many colors and structures that are found in Poetic Folkloric Music.

Romantic Music, for example, was not necessarily about romance. Rather it was a musical concept referring to a period of theory, compositional practice and canon from about 1800 – 1910. Romanticism refers to the development of musical structures within the composition, making pieces more passionate and expressive.

As an example The “Madrigal” Sung here by Danny Rivera is a lyrical composition where heptasyllables (a poetic line of seven syllables) and hendecasyllables (a line of verse containing eleven syllables) are combined with consonant rhyme, usually with a love theme. It had its origin in Italy and was especially cultivated in the Renaissance.

Natural son of Josefina Bellorín, a woman who loved him deeply, who saw him grow musically even as a child. The most bleak and sad moment of his life was that day when he was notified of the death of his mother, a woman he loved and who he was very attached to as she was both father and mother at the same time. In his record production “Palabras Vivas” (Live Words) he dedicates one of his songs: “Doña Que Yo Más Quiero”, a theme that he interprets with feeling and love in each of his presentations.

For Larry, music became an escape; it is his greatest passion, his occupation and profession.

Harpist, bassist, mandolinist, percussionist and cuatrista … Larry can interpret a variety of string instruments.

His first production “Palabras Vivas” (Live Words) is the fruit of years of work, days of frustration and also of joy, moments and letters full of love. As he expresses: “I only wish that through my music people can feel love, value their roots, and enlarge our country.”

Larry is currently finishing his latest record production, which includes the hit “LLANERO EN LA CIUDAD” (A llanero in the city) lyrics and music by Manuel Adán Contero, and which captivated the hearts of many Venezuelans in the voice of Larry Bellorín.

It also includes this wonderful Poetic Masterpiece “Pacto de Amor” (Pact of Love) by Luis Rafael González Ramirez that he interprets with much love and skill. Larry currently lives in the United States and he is passionate to share the many colors of his beautiful Folkloric Music.