CRISPÍN d’OLOT Regresa a Carolina Del Norte!
CRISPÍN d’OLOT: October 17 – November 2, 2019!
(Una conversación entre rivales íntimos | A conversation between intimate rivals).
This is a special commissioned piece exclusive to the festival. Among the many presentations of Lope, he will be performing an re-imagined conversation between Lope and Cervantes, he will also be performing some of Quevedo, Luis de Góngora and many others. It promises to be a spectacular presentations. We will once again visit schools, colleges community centers, libraries and universities.
Schedule coming soon.
Scheduled Performances at this moment:
Please note this does not represent a complete schedule as more performances are being added.
4 free public performances!
- *DUKE University – Oct 17, The Spanish Language Program of the Romance Studies Department
*Student Body Only –
- CHARLOTTE – Oct 18, Queens University of Charlotte –
Public performance: Sykes Building, Ketner Auditorium 7 pm
Doors open at 6:30 pm – Free and open to the general public – Space is limited
1900 Selwyn Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28274 - SILER CITY – Oct. 19, Wren Memorial Library –
Public performance: 1 pm – 2 pm Family Friendly
Free and open to the general public
500 N 2nd Ave, Siler City, NC 27344 - *WILMINGTON – Oct 21
*Cape Fear Academy – Oct 21- *Student Body Only
*Peace Rose Montessori – Oct 23– *Student Body Only
- WILMINGTON – Oct 23 – Public Performance
UNCW – 7 pm Fisher Student Center – Lumina Theater
(UNC Wilmington, 601 S. College Rd.)
Free and open to the general public - *FAYETTEVILLE – Oct. 24 – Methodist University – *Student Body Only
- *DURHAM – Oct. 25 – Eastway Elementary School – *Student Body Only
Made possible in part by The Carolina Theater - *CHAPEL HILL – Oct. 26 – ISLA – *Student Body Only
- RALEIGH – Oct. 29, Meredith College –
Public performance: 7 pm Kresge Auditorium
3800 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27607
Free and open to the general public
Made possible in part by the Kenan Charitable Trust - *CHAPEL HILL – Oct. 30 – FPG – *Student Body Only
Minstrel trobadour or troubadour minstrel because in these times as in times gone by we really don’t know where the one begins and the other ends.
20 years ago Crispin d’Olot, old-fashioned troubadour, started performing in theaters, schools and places of Spain, Europe and Latin America. This theatrical, poetic and musical adventure was a response which this literary “jongleur” found utilizing classical literature as a tool to reconstruct cultural imaginary essential to a society increasingly marked by violence and the inability to meet on common points of identity and values. Currently Crispin d’Olot is considered a necessary cultural reference, he has been blessed with great successes on television especially prime time where the format has helped him promote his artistic quality.
Trovador juglaresco o juglar trovadoresco porque en estos tiempos como en los pretéritos no se sabe muy bien donde empieza lo uno y acaba lo otro.
Hace 20 años que Crispín d’Olot, trovador a la vieja usanza, viene representado por teatros, escuelas y plazas de España, Europa y América Latina. Esta aventura teatral, poética y musical, nació como respuesta del último juglar literario -que encontró en la literatura clásica una herramienta de cultura para reconstruir imaginarios que permiten el rescate de nuestra esencia- a una sociedad cada vez más marcada por la violencia y la incapacidad para reunirse en torno a puntos comunes de identidad y valores.En la actualidad Crispín d’Olot es considerado un referente cultural obligado, llegando incluso a cosechar grandes éxitos en programas de televisión de máxima audiencia por su poder de convocatoria y la calidad artística y nivel de producción.